Monday, November 9, 2009

brogs are back!

i recently disabled viewing of this blog as per radical suggestion from a trusted friend, but then i thought better of it. mostly because i've read that i am to avoid hysterical advice. i'm not afraid of the internet!

things of note that have changed and that are important to me recently are as follows and then i've gotta go to work:

1. i fuckin' tattoo! it's so weird. i was tattooing this guy tom (who is going to end of sleeved by me if he keeps coming back like he has) and i had a moment where i was just amazed that i was doing a tattoo on some guy that i drew that he was going to pay me for. it just seems like it shouldn't be allowed. that it should be against the law or something.

2. i tattooed at the pgh meeting of the marked. erich foster from rise above tattoo in buffalo new york gave me the sweetest cry baby head in the ditch of my knee. i offered to tattoo him because he wouldn't take any money and he accepted! i was a ball of nerves, but i put a solid tattoo on him even though it was only about the size of a quarter.

3. i've been painting a lot and have been so much more motivated and satisfied with what i've been doing lately. i've been told that painting is like tattooing's little sister and that one helps the other. i've been noticing that i've been growing leaps and bounds with every painting and every tattoo that i do.

4. my schedule at starbucks is finally set and i work three days have one day off totally and tattoo three days. it's absolutely perfect and i couldn't have asked for a better schedule.

got my hair did and it's red. i'm not sure how i feel about it. i think i'm over dying my hair. i'm ok with it now, but i don't think i'll be doing it in the future. i also quit smoking on aug 20th! cold turkey and haven't picked one up no matter what since. unfortunately i've gained 7.4 lbs since then, but i'm back on track and hopefully that won't continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fortunately 5.6 of those pounds went in yr boobs :)