Monday, December 1, 2008

i'm all moved in

i moved in with jason over the weekend and it was pretty much the easiest move i've ever done. i spent basically a day getting everything i wanted out of my place and after work jason and brian came and we loaded the truck up a couple times. when we got the second load ready, jason's dad and brother kevin were here and we knocked out the second load in about ten minutes. it was awesome and fast and best of all it's done and i don't have to worry about it anymore.

we got cable on sunday and i hate to say it but it's pretty awesome. the chiller channel rocks my world. they show twin peaks and tales from the darkside. i can catch up on all of the trashy tv series that i watch now and HELLO LIFETIME MOVIE CHANNEL! so awesome. i was off today and rearranged a bunch of stuff. it's starting to look really nice and homey in here. so far living together with all my stuff is way better than living together with a messy apartment with most of my crap and having to pay like 500 a month for it. now i can get jason that xbox 360 i've been wanting i mean he's been wanting. GUITAR HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah i'm really excited about the cute little drawing area that we've got. all of my books and shit are right there and it's what i've always wanted. an art space all my own. i guess i get another one next month when my station at the shop is ready. i'm really loving my life these days.

i'm going to be doing a tattoo on jason's sister in law amber soon. it will be the first custom tattoo i ever do and i'm so fucking pumped. mostly because she wanted something kind of difficult to imagine as a tattoo (for me anyways). and i made it look pretty good and definitely tattooable. jason thinks i should wait to do a couple more color tattoos before i tackle skin tone and all of that, so i'm trying to set up a couple of people for the next couple of weeks before i do ambers. i'll be sure to post pictures. i finished amanda's back last week. hopefully i'll get a nice photo of it all healed up. i took a kind of glarey picture of it with my phone that i suppose i'll post here just for shits and giggles, but it's not great.

we're watching anthony bourdain and eating mad mex so i'm going to cut this short. talk to yinz laterz!

1 comment:

A Fancy Gentleman said...

Nice work on A's tattoo! It has healed up really nice. Keep up the good work!

By the way, this is my blog..
